History of V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering


1975–1992 years

1992–2010 years

2010–2018 years

2018–2020 years

2020–2022 years


The Department of Multichannel Telecommunications (MCT) was founded in 1975. During these years, the department trained communication engineers in two specialties - "Multi-channel telecommunications" and "Automatic telecommunications".

The first Head of the Department was Associate Professor Tymofyi Petruchek, a well-known specialist in the field of radio communications, a talented researcher who worked in Antarctica and managed to organize extensive scientific and experimental economic works, which helped to establish the Department – both in staff preparation and equipping laboratories with devices and communication elements. Associate Professor Petruchek T.P. had led the department for 10 years. The leadership board of the university strengthened the Department with young talented teachers.

In 1976, the Department created a training Laboratory of Communication Lines. Two years later a Laboratory of Automatic Switching Systems, Radio Relay Communication, Transmission Systems was established.

Most of the scientists and teachers with scientific degrees came to the Department from other teams and organizations. Among such employees was the second Head of the Department, Professor M.D. Plotnikov, who led the Department from 1986 to 1992. He graduated from the Artillery Radio Engineering Academy; in 1968 he defended his dissertation in the speciality 20.02.14 "Arms and Military Equipment". In 1975 he was approved as an Associate Professor of Automated Control Systems Depatment. Since 2004 M.D. Plotnikov had been a Professor of our Department. Research interests: digital transmission systems, data encoding and modulation methods, mobile communication technologies. He published more than 80 scientific papers.

The 1990s were associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which severed connections between individual universities and groups. The economic downturn and the economic crisis began. Nevertheless, the telecommunications industry during this period not only survived, but also actively developed. Mobile communication systems began to be introduced, high-efficiency fiber-optic communication lines appeared, and the transition to digital technologies began. All this contributed to the formation of the Department. When Ukraine bcame independent, with the beginning of the era of informatization, the need for telecommunications specialties increased and it was decided to establish a Faculty of Telecommunications and Measuring Equipment. It included the Department of Multi-Channel Telecommunications (later - Telecommunication Systems), the Department of Signal Reception and Processing (later - Communication Networks) and the Department of Metrology and Measurement Technology.


Since 1992, Volodymyr Popovskyy, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of two Departmental Academies, has been elected as the Head of the Department. This was a significant event in the development of the Department for the next 25 years. The name of Professor V.V. Popovsky known in Ukraine and abroad. In different years he was a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission, IEEE, Academies of Applied Radio Electronics and Communications.

Since 1998, the Department had trained bachelors, specialists and masters in the specialty "Telecommunication Systems and Networks". Since 1999, the Department had changed its name to a more modern one - the Department of Telecommunication Systems (TCS). Since 2006, the specialty "Information Security Management" had been added to the Department. During these years, the Department annually admitted about 200 entrants from Ukraine and foreign countries for full-time, part-time and external training as well as postgraduate studies. Training of Ukrainian and international specialists in English had been open.

The Department of TCS increases the number of training laboratories, the total area of which is more than 800 square meters. They are equipped with modern digital equipment from leading manufacturers: Cisco, Intel, Samsung, D-Link, Iskratel-Monis, Sun Rise, etc., represented by access equipment, mobile and wireless communication, switching and routing, digital transmission systems, fiber optical, satellite and radio relay systems.

The staff of the Department actively participates in the scientific life of the university, is constantly engaged in research activities. The Department has postgraduate studies, which numbered from 16 to 20 graduate students, and doctoral studies (one or two applicants per year). The total number of employees of TCS Department, including employees of training and research centers of the Department is about 100 people. Graduates of the Department are employed in state and commercial organizations: OJSC "Ukrtelecom", CJSC "Kyivstar", "MTS", "Astelit", banking and business structures.

During 1995-2010, more than 500 articles, 5 monographs, 14 textbooks on the subject of the Department were published.

In the period from 2000 to 2010 the technical park of laboratory equipment of the Department was updated almost completely. Several new laboratories have been established. Since 2003, due to sponsors, the Department has opened a Samsung Training Center, a Next Generation Networking (NGN) Center, a Mobile Communications Center, a D-Link Laboratory, an Information Security Laboratory, an Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, and more.

Since 2004, the Cisco Regional Networking Academy has been opened at the Department, where training and retraining of specialists in the maintenance of modern telecommunications equipment, who receive certificates of international level, as well as advanced training of teaching staff has been carried out. Two certification centers, Thomson Prometric and PIRSON VUE, have been opened, where students and teachers have the opportunity to take the necessary tests to obtain an international certificate.

Since 2001, the Department has been training specialists and masters of communication as a second (postgraduate) education, which has led to the need to develop and modernize curricula and programs. In the early 2000s there was a significant increase in the popularity of specialties of our Department. In particular, the competition of entrants has increased; the number of those wishing to study on a contract basis, part-time (4-5 groups) and PhD training has grow. The number of international students, external students, and students receiving a second (postgraduate) education has also increased.

During this period, the Department annually trained 150-200 communication engineers, including part-time students, graduates of second (postgraduate) education, international students.

Table. Characteristics of the TCS Department teaching staff (2008)











The total number of teaching staff (full-time emplyees), Together


in particular:







- Dr.Sci.


10 %


10 %


16 %

- Cand.Sci.


47 %


52 %


40 %

Till 30 y.o.


26 %


20 %


12 %

30–60 y.o.


48 %


60 %


72 %

Over 60 y.o.


26 %


20 %


16 %

Full-time emplyees, together

in particular:







- Dr.Sci.


11 %


13 %


12 %

- Cand.Sci.


44 %


33 %


59 %

Till 30 y.o.


11 %


20 %


12 %

30–60 y.o.


67 %


67 %


76 %

Over 60 y.o.


22 %


13 %


12 %

In the period from 2007 to 2010 prof. V.V. Popovsky was a member of the Higher Attestation Committee of Ukraine in the specialties 05.12.02 "Telecommunication systems and networks", 05.12.13 "Radio engineering devices and means of telecommunications"


In 2010 on the initiative of prof. V.V. Popovsky a Specialized Scientific Council D 64.052.09 for the defense of dissertations for the Doctoral and Candidate of Enginering Sciences degree in specialties 05.12.02 "Telecommunication systems and networks", 05.12.13 "Radio engineering devices and means of telecommunications" was established. The Deputy Chairman of this Council, and later the Chairman became prof. Popovsky V.V. Members of the Council were employees of the Department - prof. Loshakov V.A., prof. Lemeshko O.V., prof. Kolyadenko Yu.Yu., prof. Savanevich V.Ye., Assoc. Prof. Duravkin Ye.V. (Secretary of the Council).

During this time, the following employees defended their doctoral dissertations at the Department: Yevseieva O.Yu. (2010) - research supervisor prof. Lemeshko O.V.;

Aheyev D.V.; Shostko I.S. (2011), Duravkin Ye.V. (2012) - research supervisor prof. Popovskyy V.V.

Later, these scientists also became memebers of the Council D 64.052.09.

In 2014 Garkusha S.V. successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Enginering Sciences (research supervisor - Prof. O.V. Lemeshko).

International postgraduate students, who represented Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and many others countries, Ahmad Mahsin Hailan, Amer Muhsin Salman, Ahmed Jamil Muslim, Naors Y. Anad, Ziyad Tariq Wadia, Ali Salem Ali, Haidara Andallah, Halava Said Fawaz, Taha H.H. Almakadma, Ikram Qadir Abdullah, Hussam Dhea Kamil Al-Janabi, Yahya Tareq Hussein, Fuad Wahbe, Isaam Saad, Alali Abdullah, Keenan Mohamad Arus, Abdurahman Ahmed Issa Ali, Moat Talat, Ramadan Salah actively passed and successfully completed their postgraduate studies and defended their dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences.

In 2010 the scientific professional eddition of e-journal "Problems of Telecommunications" was founded, which published articles on specialties 05.12.02 "Telecommunication systems and networks", 05.12.13 "Radio engineering devices and means of telecommunications", and since 2020 - on specialty 172 "Telecommunications and radio engineering". The editorial board of the journal included scientists from the Department of TCS. The editor-in-chief was prof. Popovskyy V.V., and the deputy editor-in-chief – prof. Lemeshko O.V.

Focus and Scope:

  • General problems of telecommunications;
  • Mathematical modeling of telecommunication systems (TCS), networks and individual communications;
  • Information security in telecommunication systems;
  • Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection;
  • Resilient networks;
  • Fiber-optic communication technologies;
  • Electromagnetic compatibility;
  • Internet of Things;
  • Information security of TCS;
  • Data and signal processing;
  • Software-Defined Networks;
  • Design and optimization of telecommunication systems and networks;
  • Traffic management;
  • Cloud Technologies.

Many scientists of the Department and the University presented their new scientific results in this journal.

Since 2013, the International Scientific Conference “PROBLEMS OF INFOCOMMUNICATIONS. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY» has been founded. Proceedings of the Conference are indexed by scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Prof. Popovskyy V.V. was elected as a chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference and the deputy chairman was prof. Aheiev D.V. (since 2018 he is a chairman)

Scientists of the department regularly participate in international IEEE conferences such as TCSET, CADSM, CrimiCo, UkrMiCo, CSIT, AICT, ELNANO and others.

In the period from 2013 to 2017, the staff of the Department participated in the International project ENGENSEC - "Educating the Next generation experts in Cyber security of IT sphere in European Union and Ukraine." The project was funded by the European Commission in the field of education TEMPUS IV.

Our partners were leading universities and organizations in Europe, namely:

  1. Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH, Karlskrona, Sweden);
  2. Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw, Poland);
  3. University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia);
  4. Federal Criminal Police Department of Germany (Wiesbaden, Germany);
  5. University of the Aegean Sea (Mytilene, Greece);
  6. State University of Telecommunications (Kyiv, Ukraine);
  7. Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine);
  8. Ukraine Information Security Group (Kyiv, Ukraine);
  9. AIESEC Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine);
  10. Kharkiv State Regional Scientific and Technical Center for Technical Protection of Information (Kharkiv, Ukraine);
  11. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

As a result of fruitful cooperation of teachers of the Department with international partners within the Project the following results were obtained:

  1. Seven disciplines for the preparation of students at the Master’s educational and qualification level in the specialty 125 "Cybersecurity" were prepared;
  2. The most modern cloud computing laboratory ReSeLa + for the training of highly qualified personnel and research on cybersecurity at the ICE Department was received;
  3. The Erasmus + program on exchange of students and teachers between the universities of Ukraine and the Blekinge Institute of Technology in the specialty "Cybersecurity" was launched;
  4. A Memorandum of cooperation between KNURE and VTN and double degree programs in the specialty "Cybersecurity" at the Master’s educational and qualification level were signed;
  5. Two International Summer Schools on Cyber Security were held, where students of our University participated.

In addition, as a result of international trainings and internships held at various universities in Sweden, Poland, Germany and Latvia, more than ten employees of the Department have improved their skills in cybersecurity and received relevant international certificates.

According to the results of the Educating the Next generation experts in Cyber security of IT sphere in European Union and Ukraine in 2017, the department created a training and research laboratory of cybersecurity and cloud technologies (Cybersecurity & Cloud laboratory). Specialists from Sweden, Poland, Germany, Latvia and Ukraine worked on the concept of creating this laboratory, namely on the development of the ReSeLa + virtual environment. ReSeLa + offers many options for designing and experimenting with different network topologies and different software. With ReSeLa + in a secure virtual environment, students can investigate attacks on operating and physical systems, network protocols and cloud environments, detect and protect against malware, analyze vulnerabilities in web applications, and more.

Since 2014, the football cup of the TCS Department has been held.

Basketball matches between teachers of the department and students take place regularly. As a rule, students win.

In 2016, it was decided to rename the Department - since then it is called "Department of Infocommunication Engineering". This was due to the need to meet the trends of future development of telecommunications in the modern world, the content of recommendations and standards of ITU-T, IETF, IEEE and 3GPP.


In March 2018, Prof. V.V. Popovskyy, who led the Department for almost 25 years, died at the age of 78. He made a great contribution to the development of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering (formerly the Department of Multichannel Telecommunications and Telecommunication Systems), development of its training and laboratory base, increasing the level of qualification of the teaching staff of the Department and increasing the weight of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in Ukraine and the world in general.

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor O.V. Lemeshko was appointed as a temporary ad interim of the Head of ICE Department. In January 2019, he was elected the Head of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering.

Lemeshko O.V. is one of the many students of the previous Head of the Department - prof. Popovskyy V.V., under whose guidance the new Head of the Department defended his PhD (1999) and doctoral (2005) dissertations.

According to the proposal of the staff of the Department and by the decision of the Academic Council of the University from 2018 the Department is named after V.V. Popovskyy.

In 2018, after graduating from Doctoral studies, Associate Professors M.V. Moskalets (research adviser - Prof. Popovskyy V.V.) and Yeremenko O.S. (research adviser - Prof. Lemeshko O.V.) successfully defended their doctoral dissertations.

Since 2019, new Doctors of Science have held the positions of Professors at the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department.


In March 2018, following the results of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Telecommunications", organized on the basis of the O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Communications, Sereda-Levitina Bohdana (group TK-14-4) with the work on the topic "Study of fault-tolerant routing with load balancing" (supervisor - Prof. O.V. Lemeshko) won 3rd place in the section “Information communication networks”.

Students of the department became more actively involved in scientific activities and cooperation with foreign partners. Thus, during August 2020, students of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department Anastasia Kruhlova, Anna Zhuravliova, Vladyslav Shestakov and Yuri Afanasiev attended a series of webinars organized by the IEEE BUET Student Branch - IEEE BUET Student Branch & IEEE Bangladesh Section, as well as with the support of the IEEE Region 10 Student Activities Committee. On August 11, 2020, the webinar "Energy Efficiency in Smart Building Through IoT Sensor Integration" was held by Dr. Saifur Rahman, IEEE 2021 Presidential Candidate. On August 20-21, 2020, students participated in the IEEE Student Membership International Summit & Leadership Summit, where they got acquainted with the activities of numerous student branches and groups of Women in Engineering - WIE.

In September 2020, with the support of ACM-W Europe, the International Conference womENcourage 2020 (Baku, Azerbaijan) was held, which brought together more than 200 participants from 40 countries and 5 continents. From the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department the conference, in addition to teachers, also was attended by students Kruhlova A.O. and Zhuravliova A.S. Student Kruhlova A.O. received a scholarship for participation in this conference.

Due to the program of academic mobility ERASMUS + and the current program of double diplomas, undergraduate students of the group AMЗІмі-18-1 of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department - Akintunde Adedamola Emmanuel, Iquuegbu Chigosie Charles, Obod Edidiong Ime and Olaide Jamieu Olalekan studied for one year at the Blekinge University of Technology (BTH, Karlskrona, Sweden) and received double degrees. At BTH University, PhD Ievhenia Kuzminykh and Anders Carlson traditionally coordinated the training of our students.

At the same time, three students from Sweden studied at the ICE Department in KNURE under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Yevdokymenko M.O.

According to the European program of academic exchange Erasmus + KA1 "Mobility between program and partner countries" under the agreement concluded between KNURE and UJA, two students of TРТК-16-2 (IV course) of V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department - Maslik Anna and Resnenko Yaroslav, who studied in the specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (educational program "Telecommunications"), in the autumn semester of 2019/2020 academic year studied at the University of Jaén (UJA) in Spain.

During the autumn semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, three students of the КУІБ-17-1 group Oleksiy Bykov, Viacheslav Polishchuk, Dmytro Semenov (specialty 125 “Cybersecurity”) studied at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland).


Due to the scientific activity of the professor of the Department Yeremenko O.S. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has joined the project COST CA15127 - Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures (RECODIS), which aims to develop appropriate techniques and services to provide end-user applications with reliable infocommunication network services in case of disaster failure, namely: natural disasters (floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires), technological catastrophes related, for example, to power outages, etc., malicious attacks on network security, compromise of network elements (often leads to failure of nodes and channels servicing a significant portion of traffic).

2020 thanks to the fruitful cooperation of scientists of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department KNURE and the University of Coimbra (Portugal) signed an interinstitutional agreement on academic mobility of students and teachers as a result of the Erasmus + KA107 competition for 2020-2023 - ICM.UC Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine. This project is coordinated by the University of Coimbra and cooperates with six higher educational institutions from three countries (Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine). Note that the Erasmus + Academic Exchange Program (International Credit Mobility, ISM) offers students and staff the opportunity to apply for grants for exchange training or teaching in European higher educational institutions.

In 2020, the staff of the Department became the winner of the Erasmus project + Jean Monnet module "Integrating the EU cybersecurity framework and policies in Ukraine" 621250-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE. Project Coordinator Associate Professor of V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department Yevdokymenko M.O., participants - prof. Yeremenko O.S., Assoc. Prof. Kuzminykh Ie.D. The main goal of the project is to promote and disseminate EU experience and good practice in the field of cybersecurity among research and educational institutions through the development and implementation of appropriate training courses for students.


Employees of the Department began to publish the results of their research in international publications included in the first and second quartiles (Q1 and Q2) of the scientometric platforms Scopus and Web of Science. We can thank Professors Titarenko L.O., Yeremenko O.S., Associate Professors Radivilova T.A. and Yevdokymenko M.O. for this work.

In June 2020, the electronic scientific periodical "Problems of Telecommunications" (founder - KNURE), which in March 2020 turned 10 years old, was included in category B of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine. Articles in the specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" can be published in the e-journal "Problems of Telecommunications". The editorial board included well-known specialists of higher education institutions of Ukraine and abroad, including 13 doctors of technical sciences, 5 candidates of technical sciences, 5 representatives of the European Union. From 2018, each article in the e-journal "Problems of Telecommunications" has a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The articles of the journal are publicly available on the website of the journal, as well as in the bibliometric database of the V.I . Vernadskyy National Library of Ukraine, on the national technological platform "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine", in the repositories of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (http://openarchive.nure.ua/). In addition, journal articles are indexed in such International scientometric databases, repositories, libraries, search engines as Google Scolar, Index Copernicus, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE). To date, applications have been submitted for inclusion in five International scientometric databases and libraries. The journal's website has been completely updated.


In 2018, Professor of the Department Yeremenko O.S. was awarded a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Young Scientists (Resolution of the Presidium of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology dated November 5, 2018 № 7). In the same year she was awarded the Note of Acknowledgement of the Kharkiv Regional Council Chairman.

In 2019, Associate Professor of the Department Yevdokimenko M.O. was awarded the prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists in 2019 for the work "Models and Methods of Structural and Functional Self-Organization of Wireless Infocommunication Networks."

In the same year she received the Note of Acknowledgement from the Kharkiv mayor for many years of conscientious and fruitful work, high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of Kharkiv education and science on the occasion of the professional holiday - the Day of Educators.

In 2019, Professor of the Department Yeremenko O.S. won the XXI regional competition "Higher School of Kharkiv Region - the Best Names", nomination "Young Scientist". And in 2020 she was awarded a nominal scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Young Scientists - Doctors of Sciences.

According to the results of the annual competition "The Best Scientific, Scientific and Pedagogical Worker of KNURE" for 2019, scientists of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department received diplomas of winners in almost all categories:

Head of the Department Lemeshko O.V. - in the category of Dr.Sci., professors;

Professor of the Department Yeremenko O.S. - in the category of young scientists;

Associate Professor Yevdokymenko MO - in the category of Cand.Sci., associate professors.

Thus, following the results of 2017/2018 and 2019/2020 academic years, V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering won an honorable second place in the integrated rating of departments of NURE. For 2018/2019 academic year the Department took the third place in the same rating.

Rating of departments for 2017/2018

Rating of departments for  2018/2019

Rating of departments for  2019/2020

New monographs have been published

1. Barkalov A., Titarenko L., Bieganowski J. Logic Synthesis for Finite State Machines Based on Linear Chains of States: Foundations, Recent Developments and Challenges. Springer, 2018. – 225 p.

2. Кіріченко Л.О., Радівілова Т.А. Фрактальний аналіз самоподібних і мультифрактальних часових рядів: монографія. – Харків: ФОП Панов А.Н., 2019. – 106 с. ISBN 978-617-77-22-82-2.

3. Лемешко О.В., Єременко О.С., Невзорова О.С. Потокові моделі та методи маршрутизації в інфокомунікаційних мережах: відмовостійкість, безпека, масштабованість. – Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2020. – 308 с. DOI: 10.30837/978-966-659-282-1

4. Barkalov A., Titarenko L., Mielcarek K., Chmielewski S. Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Control Units. Structural Decomposition in Logic Design // Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. - Springer International Publishing, 2020, Series Volume 636. 240 р. ISBN 978-3-030-38294-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-38295-7.

5. Barkalov A., Titarenko L., Mazurkiewicz M. Foundations of Embedded Systems / Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Vol. 195. Springer International Publishing, 2019. 167 p. ISBN 978-3-030-11960-7 ISBN 978-3-030-11961-4 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11961-4.

Participation in joint monographs

1. Радивилова Т., Агеев Д. Методы и приложения анализа социальных сетей / Bezpieczeństwo w cyberprzestrzeni społeczna przestrzeń internetu w kontekście wartości i zagrożeń. – Słupsk, Polska, 2019. – P. 267–282. ISBN 978-83-63680-28-2.

2. Радивилова Т., Кириченко Л., Булак В. Обнаружение DDOS атак методами машинг ленинг на основе фрактальных свойств / Bezpieczeństwo w cyberprzestrzeni społeczna przestrzeń internetu w kontekście wartości i zagrożeń. – Słupsk, Polska, 2019. – P. 299–316. ISBN 978-83-63680-28-2.

In addition, scientists of the Department in 2018-2020 co-authored many joint monographs published by Springer:

1. Yeremenko O., Lemeshko O., Persikov A. (2018) Secure Routing in Reliable Networks: Proactive and Reactive Approach // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II. Springer. 2018. Vol 689. P. 631–655.

2. Kirichenko L., Radivilova T., Zinkevich I. (2018) Comparative Analysis of Conversion Series Forecasting in E-commerce Tasks. In: Shakhovska N., Stepashko V. (eds) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II. Springer, Cham. Vol. 689. P. 230242. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70581-1_16.

3. Yeremenko O., Lemeshko O. (2018) QoS Ensuring over Probability of Timely Delivery in Multipath Routing // Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (eds) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education. ICCSEEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham. Vol. 754. P. 244–254. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91008-6_25.

4. Lemeshko O., Lebedenko T., Yeremenko O., Simonenko O. (2018) Mathematical Model of Queue Management with Flows Aggregation and Bandwidth Allocation // Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (eds) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education. ICCSEEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham. Vol. 754. P. 165–176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91008-6_17.

5. Kuzminykh I., Carlsson A., Yevdokymenko M., Sokolov V. (2019) Investigation of the IoT Device Lifetime with Secure Data Transmission // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham. P. 1627.

6. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Hailan A.M. (2021) Tensor Multiflow Routing Model to Ensure the Guaranteed Quality of Service Based on Load Balancing in Network // Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education III. ICCSEEA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham. Vol. 1247. Р. 120–131. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55506-1_11.

7. Lemeshko O., Yevdokymenko M., Yeremenko O., Shapovalova A. (2021) Investigation of Load-Balancing Fast ReRouting Model with Providing Fair Priority-Based Traffic Policing // Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education III. ICCSEEA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham. Vol. 1247. Р. 108–119. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55506-1_10.

8. Chugay A.M., Zhuravka A.V. (2021) Packing Optimization Problems and Their Application in 3D Printing // Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education III. ICCSEEA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, Cham. Vol. 1247. Р. 75–85. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55506-1_7.

9. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Hailan A.M., Yevdokymenko M., Shapovalova A. (2020) Policing Based Traffic Engineering Fast ReRoute in SD-WAN Architectures: Approach Development and Investigation // Al-Bakry A. et al. (eds) New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications. NTICT 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Cham. Vol. 1183. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55340-1_3.

10. Kirichenko L., Zinchenko P., Radivilova T. (2021) Classification of Time Realizations Using Machine Learning Recognition of Recurrence Plots // Babichev S., Lytvynenko V., Wójcik W., Vyshemyrskaya S. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making. ISDMCI 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham. Vol. 1246. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54215-3_44.

11. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Sleiman B. (2021) System of Solutions the Maximum Number of Disjoint Paths Computation Under Quality of Service and Security Parameters // Ilchenko M., Uryvsky L., Globa L. (eds) Advances in Information and Communication Technology and Systems. MCT 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Cham. Vol. 152. Р. 191–205. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58359-0_10.

Cooperation with companies, firms, universities

In December 2019, the status of NURE ISACA student group was confirmed and extended by the Head Office of ISACA (Chicago, USA). The group is headed by Associate Professor of ICE Dobrynin I.S. In parallel with the extension of the validity of our ISACA student group, Assoc. Prof. Dobrynin I.S. confirmed the personal Silver status of the Academic Advocate of ISACA. In 2020, V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, became a partner of the CRDF Global project on the development of cybersecurity in Ukraine. Memoranda of cooperation were signed with WorkNest Technologies LLC, the National IP Operator Wnet LLC, the CompTIA IT Company, and the State Enterprise Industry Center for Digitalization and Cybersecurity.

During the last three years, six employees of the Department are the members of the ACM, eight are the IEEE members. In 2019, Professor of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department Yeremenko O.S. received the status of IEEE Senior Member, which testifies to recognition of her technical and professional skills, allows to obtain leadership positions of IEEE volunteers, recommend other applicants for IEEE Senior Member status and be a member of the Committee that considers this applications. In addition, from January 2018, Prof. Yeremenko O.S. holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Women in Engineering Community of the IEEE Ukrainian Section.

In 2020, the staff of our Department under the leadership of Oleksandra Yeremenko organized the first Ukrainian Chapter of ACM Women Europe (ACM-W Europe), which also included Maryna Yevdokymenko, Anastasia Shapovalova, Tamara Radivilova, Yana Krasnozheniuk, students Anastasia Kruhlova, Anna Zhuravliova , Maria Herus, Maria Pichiienko and Valeria Romanchenko. Note that the main goal of ACM-W Europe is to create and support a transformed European professional and scientific space where women receive help and inspiration to acheive their ambitious dreams, ideas and achievements in the field of computer technology.

Participation in international scientific conferences

Traditionally, scientists of the Department participate in international scientific IEEE conferences, such as ATIT, AICT, TCSET, CADSM, PICST, CSIT, DESSERT, UkrMiCo, UKRCON. In many of them, our employees were members of the organizing committees.

In 2019, our scientists also took in-person part in scientific conferences held abroad - IDT’2019 (Žilina, Slovakia) and IDAACS’2019 (Metz, France).

Modernization of the Department laboratory base

In November 2019, a new educational and scientific Network Security & Resilience Laboratory was opened at the Department. The Laboratory was opened due to Lifecell support, which kindly donated the server and switching equipment tothe university, helped to connect and configure it. The Laboratory was also equipped with firewalls, switches and routers, which the Department received as a result of international cooperation with BTH University (Sweden).

Also in the period 2019/2020, the Routing & Switching Laboratory, which also serves as a Cisco training center, was retrofitted and re-equipped.

Cooperation and relations of the Department with other HEIs

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

National Aviation University

O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications

Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force

Lviv Polytechnic National University

State University of Telecommunications

National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

University of Zielona Góra (Poland)

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Military Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technologies named after the Heroes of Kruty

Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Teaching staff

Head of Department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Professor of the department
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Department Assistant
Department Assistant