"Modeling and Optimization of Secure and Fail-Safe Routing Processes in Telecommunication Networks"
Employees of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering prepared and published the scientific monograph at this difficult time for the country, the university and the department
Лемешко О.В., Єременко О.С., Євдокименко М.О., Шаповалова А.С., Слейман Б. Моделювання та оптимізація процесів безпечної та відмовостійкої маршрутизації в телекомунікаційних мережах: Монографія. – Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2022. – 198 с. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30837/978-966-659-378-1
The monograph is focused on solving tasks related to the development of mathematical models to optimize secure and fault-tolerant routing processes that would serve as a further theoretical basis for promising routing protocols and technological means of traffic management in traditional and software-configured telecommunication networks.
The work is intended for scientific and tutors employees, including Master’s students, Graduate students and Doctoral students who work in the field of telecommunications and network security.
Congratulations to the authors of this scientific work with another weight result and we wish them further creative successes and achievements!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!