Participation of Prof. Yeremenko O.S. in the final conference COST ACTION CA19122 EUGAIN (Lisbon, Portugal)
Between April 21 and 22, 2024, the final COST ACTION CA19122 EUGAIN conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal, with the support of Ordem dos Engenheiros (Association of Engineers), with the theme "Opening the doors to the world". The main objective of the event is related to highlighting the results of the EUGAIN project to invited external stakeholders and authorities and engaging them in a joint discussion on improving the gender balance in computer science in Europe and beyond.
40 countries were represented at the EUGAIN Steering Committee meeting. The first day of the conference was filled with reports and discussions on 3.5 years of EUGAIN activities and an interactive workshop on the development of the action plan and the impact of the project results on the formation and implementation of public gender policy in different countries.
The journey towards gender equality, inclusion, diversity is ongoing, but only by working together can a better understanding and ability to meet the challenges be achieved. To this end, EUGAIN working group members have developed booklets for schools, universities, policy makers and all interested parties for free use and dissemination. The EUGAIN website page presents the best practices of the project as well as successful initiatives of computer science faculties, industry and society to improve the gender balance in computer science in academia and industry.
Prof. Yeremenko O.S. of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department is a member of the second WG2 working group "From Bachelor/Master Studies to Ph.D." and was the developer of the corresponding booklet, which can be downloaded at the following link: /uploads/2024/04/EUGAIN_Booklet_Best_Practices_From_BSc-MSc_to_PhD.pdf
Also in the course of WG2 research and practice activities, in addition to submitted manuscripts to highly rated publications, a catalog of women's career science chat questions was developed and published, which is also available in Ukrainian and recommended for use by universities to raise awareness among girls and women about graduate school and degree programs:
Abraham, E., Goulão, M., Vujosevic Janicic, M., Delany, S. J., Mersni, A., Yeremenko, O., Schmid, L., Nebot, A., Büyükdağlı, Ö., Boudaoud, K., & Sunar Cerci, D. (2023). Women's Career Lunch — Catalog of questions for the speakers. Zenodo. DOI: